Blind Me
De hecho, sí tenía un texto, en un mail que tenía guardado.
Se llama Blind Me, espero que les guste...
Se llama Blind Me, espero que les guste...
Blind me
I don't wanna know
I don't wanna see
The truth rapes me
It scratches and scratches
It won't stop
I need you to make it stop
I'll give you my madness
My vision of us
I'll create the most beautifull lie
and we'll live it together
Don't you dare, don't you dare to show me
to open my eyes. I don't want the real "you"
I want my "you" and my "us"
Just don't ask, close your eyes.
With you it's possible to be
I'll be your "me", and you'll be my "you"
two blind ones hugging each other
only aware of themselves
do we need anything else?
just rip my eyes off
we'll be ok, I promise
They'll never reach us
And they will get tired of scratching
They will stop being, so we will be
I don't wanna know
I don't wanna see
The truth rapes me
It scratches and scratches
It won't stop
I need you to make it stop
I'll give you my madness
My vision of us
I'll create the most beautifull lie
and we'll live it together
Don't you dare, don't you dare to show me
to open my eyes. I don't want the real "you"
I want my "you" and my "us"
Just don't ask, close your eyes.
With you it's possible to be
I'll be your "me", and you'll be my "you"
two blind ones hugging each other
only aware of themselves
do we need anything else?
just rip my eyes off
we'll be ok, I promise
They'll never reach us
And they will get tired of scratching
They will stop being, so we will be
Etiquetas: Poemas
No esta pensado como una canción, no tengo alma de músico, pero si queres usarla, feel free!
y bueno, si despues vende hacemos un 50-50 (porque hoy estoy generoso...)
lo vi despues...
pero ya te respondí en tu blog, so don't worry my friend...
ahora, alguién que me comente que le pareció el texto... :D
sean honestos, no me voy a enojar, ya me han criticado, no tengan miedo.
hola gus! pasaba a dejarte un mensajito. te quiero gustis y te mando un besote.
Esta bueno, un poco necio, pero bueno. Como teacher te diria bien en vocabulary pero algo pobre de estructuras . . . pero nadie se va a fijar en eso, don't worry!
Gracias preciosa por hablar del texto!. Es cierto, es muy simple, pero creo que es cierta manera esa es la idea. Te quiero
Ponete las pilas y seguí escribiendo gusti. Bastante bueno Blind me para empezar con el blog
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