
The Sweetest pain

"la miro por el rabillo del ojo. ¡Dios Santo, es preciosa!, pensó. Y sufrio en silencio" (SN)

The Sweetest pain

To look into those eyes
such beautiful, beautiful eyes
to fly even higher
than the last time
to forget all the darkness
all the paranoic fear
to redescover the meanigs
of beauty and heavenly
to see my reflection on them
to hear that laugh
that makes everithing else so meaningless
to be close to those lips
that will never be mine
to hear the voice I love
but not the words I want
to crush my head into
that invisible and unbreakeble wall
to look into those eyes
those beautiful, beautiful eyes
and know, allways know
that they will never look at me
the way I look at you
to try to reach you
but never get to feel you
to fall even depper
than the last time

to be looking at you
wondering when will I see you again



Anonymous Anónimo said...

To tell you the truth, I think it's quite good . . . a bit sad perhaps, but beautiful and concrete . . . congratulations!

8:48 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

From Trent...

Cool shit!! It's outstanding how, in my opinion, your english poems are much better than the others. Perhaps it's because the foreign language acts as a mask that reveals your true self. Or maybe it's just that crack you borrowed from me last week...we'll figure it out.

I will read your strories some day, but lately I find it difficult to concentrate on reading.

8:41 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

me mareé en el 5to verso

8:49 p. m.  

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